TMA News

Why Do So Few Women Choose Manufacturing Careers?

Why is the number of women in manufacturing so small, and why are those numbers declining? Industry Week writes about it:

In 2016, women accounted for just 29% of all U.S. manufacturing jobs. When you consider that women make up 47% of the entire U.S. workforce, that’s an alarmingly low number. What’s even more alarming is that the problem has nothing to do with job shortages. Instead, manufacturing is suffering from a significant shortage of skilled workers and ingrained misconceptions of male-dominated industry steeped in tradition.

And things aren’t getting better … 

During the next ten years, 3.5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs will be created and approximately 2 million roles will go unfilled. The industry has gone from producing 28% of the world’s goods in 1985, down to 18.2%. Clearly, something needs to change.

Gender diversity, combined with a skilled talent pool could be the answer to manufacturing growth. A 2015 study found that companies with gender diversity were 15% “more likely to outperform” their bottom line potential. That means gender diverse work environments have the potential to increase revenue and profits.

Read more at Industry Week HERE&‹

And check out Technology & Manufacturing Association’s News Bulletin for August 2016 to learn more about Melindathee Griffin, one of four women we interviewed currently in manufacturing.